Create, modify or delete a question screen

Create, modify or delete a question screen

A question screen is a screen displayed to the user during an assessment to collect data. It contains question text and answer fields. Building question screens allows you to group attributes onto single views and provide the user with a sense of context by adding labels and headings to those screens. Used with Oracle Web Determinations, these screens can also display integrated help for each screen question. Question screens are created in a screens file in Oracle Policy Modeling.

What do you want to do?

Create a question screens folder

Create a question screen

Add questions to screens

Add labels to question screens

Create a screen attribute

Preview a question screen in Oracle Web Determinations

Modify a question screen

Find a question screen

Delete a question screen

Organize question screens within a folder

Create a question screens folder

By default, the first screens file that is added to a project will contain a Questions Screens folder. To add additional folders to your screens file:

  1. Right-click the *.xint filename, or another folder, in the screens view.
  2. Select New Folder from the pop-up menu.
  3. Enter an appropriate name for your screen folder.

TIP: Question screen folders in a screen order are used to define the 'stages' or groupings that are displayed at the top of an interview to indicate progress through the investigation.

Once you have defined folders, you can add new screens to them.

Create a question screen

To create a question screen:

  1. Right-click the Question Screens folder in your screens file.
  2. Select New Question Screen from the pop-up menu.
    The following dialog will appear: 

  3. Enter an appropriate name for the screen in the Screen Title text box.
    TIP: Screen names are used as the first heading on a screen. If you use a clear screen name which makes it easy to understand the point of the current screen, the user will be much more receptive to the application. Screen names should be descriptive of the logical group or purpose of questions contained on that screen. You can use substitution in the screen name. For more information, see Substitute an attribute value into the text on screens.
  4. Click OK to apply the name change.
  5. Save the screens file by selecting File | Save <Screens_File_Name>.xint from the main menu in Oracle Policy Modeling.

Add questions to screens

There are two steps to adding a question to your screen: adding a new input control and customizing the attribute input control.


To add a new input (question) control to your screen:

  1. Double click your question screen in your screens file to open it for editing.
  2. Click the New Attribute Input button in the question screen dialog.

    The right hand side of the question screen dialog will show the following controls: 

  3. Select the attribute you want to place on the screen as a question. NOTE: You can filter the attribute list by typing in the text box above. You can also limit the list to only showing base level attributes and/or only showing attributes which are not already on a question screen by using the check boxes provided.
  4. Click the Create button (or simply double-click the attribute in the list) to add it as a question on the screen.


To customize the attribute input control:

  1. Select the attribute on the left hand side of the screen. The right side of the question screen edit dialog will be replaced with a set of edit controls for the question based on its data type.

    Here you can customize questions and customize user input options. You can also change the appearance of text and controls.
  2. Click OK to apply any changes you have made to the screen. This will close the screen edit dialog. To save the changes permanently to your screen file, you will need to save it from the main menu in Oracle Policy Modeling.

Add labels to question screens

Labels provide a means for assisting the user to understand the context within which questions are being asked.

To add a new label to your screen:

  1. Open your question screen in your screens file.
  2. Click the New Label button in the question screen dialog.

    The right hand side of the question screen dialog will display options for the label.

  3. Enter the Text for the label.
  4. Select a Style for the label from the drop-down list (eg Normal, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3 etc).
    TIP: Generally, each screen should have a Heading 1 style label at the top. Additional heading styles may be used to break questions into sub-groups, and Normal style labels can be added to provide additional information and context.
  5. If required, select the Is HTML checkbox. See Change the appearance of text for more information on this setting.
  6. If required, enter a CSS Class and/or CSS Style. See Change the appearance of a control for more information on this setting.

Create a screen attribute

A screen attribute is an attribute in the rulebase that is associated with a question screen and is used to prompt the display of the screen. Screen attributes are not displayed to the user but are given a value of 'true' automatically once the question screen has been displayed during an interview.

To create a screen attribute:

  1. Open your question screen in your screens file.
  2. Click the Create button next to the Screen Attribute field. The id and text of the automatically created screen attribute will be shown:

  3. Click OK.


You can now use this screen attribute in your rules. For example:

the interview is complete if

the screen 'Disclaimer' has been displayed and

it is known whether or not the claimant is eligible for the benefit

NOTE: You need to ensure that the text of the screen attribute in your rule is identical to the text of the screen attribute in the screens file to ensure that the attribute created locally in your Word document links to the one in the screens file.

Preview a question screen in Oracle Web Determinations

While you are creating and reviewing your question screens, you may wish to check the layout and formatting in the context of how they will appear in Oracle Web Determinations.

  1. In your screens file, right click on the question screen you wish to preview and select Preview in Web Determinations. Alternatively, click the Preview button at the bottom left of the screen editor, if your screen is open.
  2. The Debug Options dialog is displayed if no current debug session exists. Select the debug options you wish to use to preview the screen in Oracle Web Determinations and click OK.

  3. The Screen Preview window is displayed showing how your question screen will appear in Oracle Web Determinations, including any customizations that have been made to Oracle Web Determinations. The buttons and links are disabled, as this window is to preview your question screen only and is not a fully functional interview.


TIP: You can import data from a debug session prior to using the Preview option, and this data will be used in the screen preview and will allow you to check substitution, visibility attributes and other screen display elements on your question screen.

Modify a question screen

To open the edit dialog for the screen again, double-click on the screen name in your screens file, or right-click and select Open from the pop-up menu. Make the necessary changes and then click OK.

Find a question screen

To find a question screen:

  1. In Oracle Policy Modeling, select Edit | Find Screen...
    This will open the Find Screen dialog box.

  2. Enter the text or screen ID you want to search for in the text field provided. Only those screens that match the search criteria will be displayed in the list below.
  3. Click OK to locate the screen in the screens file and open the screen for editing.

Delete a question screen

To delete a question screen, select the screen name in your screens file and press Delete, or right-click and select Delete from the pop-up menu.

Organize question screens within a folder

By ordering the question screens in your Question Screens folder as you would like them to appear in an interview, you can simply use this folder to define your screen order. (See Use the order of screens in the Question Screens folder to define the interview screen order for more information.)

To change the order of question screens in a folder:

  1. Open your question screens folder in your screens file.
  2. Select the screen that you want to move and drag it to its new location.

  3. Repeat for any additional screens that you want to reorder.
  4. Click OK.